Are you new to godaddy?

Well, you are in luck. If you haven't accepted employment there....even better. Here's a guide of tips from previous and current godaddy employees. Take it from's not what it's all cracked up to be. And if you think there is money to be made by the sales and support staff, think again.
Let's get right into it!
First off, they will tell you that you are going to make a bunch of money. Only about 2% of the support staff makes "the BIG" money. The rest is hype. From the story you will hear a thousand times ("Bob gave someone $15K when they spun the wheel and it landed on $50!") to the promise of a huge "bonus" every 2 weeks. It just doesn't happen. Some how, some will lose your bonus in the last few days of the bonus period. Your "FCR" (First Call Resolve) will magically drop below the percent (76%-78% depending on department) needed to make "bonus". No matter if you made 12K in sales for the 2 week bonus'll get ZERO....NOTHING....ZILCH! You'll be a $12/hr employee "that just missed it again!". Try again and again and again.....and you'll get a "bonus"....but only once in awhile. Just enough to dangle that carrot in front of you. Once you figure that'll look at this site and say to yourself, "Damn, I should have listened."
I've heard that a lot of people left great jobs to work at godaddy. BIG MISTAKE!
How their mentality works is like this:
They don't want to hear anyone question anything. It's their "No Negativity Policy".
They will have a "circle" of staff that will run things and promote.
The high turnover.
The rest....just get used.
Let's get right into it!
First off, they will tell you that you are going to make a bunch of money. Only about 2% of the support staff makes "the BIG" money. The rest is hype. From the story you will hear a thousand times ("Bob gave someone $15K when they spun the wheel and it landed on $50!") to the promise of a huge "bonus" every 2 weeks. It just doesn't happen. Some how, some will lose your bonus in the last few days of the bonus period. Your "FCR" (First Call Resolve) will magically drop below the percent (76%-78% depending on department) needed to make "bonus". No matter if you made 12K in sales for the 2 week bonus'll get ZERO....NOTHING....ZILCH! You'll be a $12/hr employee "that just missed it again!". Try again and again and again.....and you'll get a "bonus"....but only once in awhile. Just enough to dangle that carrot in front of you. Once you figure that'll look at this site and say to yourself, "Damn, I should have listened."
I've heard that a lot of people left great jobs to work at godaddy. BIG MISTAKE!
How their mentality works is like this:
They don't want to hear anyone question anything. It's their "No Negativity Policy".
They will have a "circle" of staff that will run things and promote.
The high turnover.
The rest....just get used.
Other tips and pitfalls
I could go on and on but, I would rather just give you insight from ex-employees and current employees. Service issues will be addressed later on for users of godaddy. Bob's "Rules" will make HIM money, not's what you need to know.......
- Don't think you'll be hired on after your first 90 days. They will string it out to pay you less and keep you from getting benefits.
- The Benefits aren't that great, They'll hype that up, too.
- There is a "cult" mentality there. Kinda creepy.
- Don't take the night shift. The "extra" pay doesn't make up for calls from India (they are FCR killers.....and only call at night, USA time).
- You'll have to a be a "godaddy way" employee if you want to move up. Even if you know more than the guy or gal who is an IAT (Advance Tech).
- Your "stats" or "metrics" will never make sense except for the fact that you'll just miss bonus. They have a FCR Team to adjust stats!! WTF?
- Don't think they won't let you go even if you are doing a great job. They don't care. You'll notice this when the revolving door of new faces come and go.
- The training isn't that good. After a 2 week class, that's about it. You are on your own. Customers should take note.
- You can't use your vacation when you want. They black out months at a time. Meaning you can't take time off. And "personal" days you can't use for sick time. You have to schedule those days off like vacation days. I hope your kids don't get sick!
- Everything is watched. For customer security, I understand. But trust me, there are cameras everywhere and when QA reviews your calls, they determine if you "pass" requirements which can wipe out your bonus.. Don't even think of speaking the truth.